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Dolphin Indoor Bowls Club - Poole

Dolphin Bowling Club


"The Dolphin Indoor Bowling Club in Poole, Dorset was founded in 1985 (7 rinks) and was extended by an additional 4 rinks with the help of a lottery grant in 1996.

It is the second largest indoor bowling club in the UK and has just over 1,000 members, with extensive, modern facilities.

We have been the host venue for the EIBA "Top Club" Final for the past two years (2018 & 2019) and hope to host future International matches over the coming years, as bowlers tell us our greens our superb and our facilities probably the best anywhere.


We recently purchased a Para-Handy bowling wheelchair and had it motorised by Stuart Dean (SoleMotion) down here in Dorset

It looks superb, it is extremely comfortable and has proven to be very popular and a valuable asset to the club and its members who require a wheelchair to play bowls. We are now looking at purchasing a second Para-Handy wheelchair."

Electric Powered Para Handy Bowling Wheelchair
Electric Powered Para Handy Bowling Wheelchair
Powered Para-Handy Bowling Wheelchair
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